Acupressure Set 2017-07-04T21:54:49+00:00

Project Description

Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set

The acupressure mat and pillow help alleviate back and neck pain, sciatica, and muscle spasms without resorting to prescription pain

killers or expensive treatments. Using the wisdom of alternative medicine, they provide effective pain relief that is simple and easy

to use. Simply lie down shirtless on the mat and rest your neck on the pillow while thousands of acupressure points work on the body,

increasing blood flow and promoting healing.

The Acupressure mat and pillow use tiny little sharp plastic acupoints to stimulate the body’s pressure points similar to acupuncture

but without the use of skin piercing needles. When the pressure points of the body are stimulated, tension in the muscle is released

while an increase in blood flow and circulation in the area slowly aids in healing and promotes complete relaxation and well being. In

essence, acupressure point stimulation causes the body to heal itself so that it can function optimally.

1) IMMEDIATE back and neck pain relief in the comfort of your home in as little as 20 minutes per day.
2) ELIMINATES the need for expensive treatments as well as therapist, masseuse and chiropractor visits.
3) EFFECTIVELY induces a state of complete relaxation while reducing aches, pain, stress and tension.
4) RELIEVES not only back, neck, shoulder and sciatic pain whether mild or chronic but also relieves headaches.
5) OTHER BENEFITS include improved sleep, circulation, and mood as well an increase in energy levels.